Recent content by Setenta

  1. Setenta

    Where can I get hormone rooting powder in Spain

    Mine is called 'Hormonas de Enraizamiento' and is a liquid. Works just fine.
  2. Setenta

    Pop in and say hello

    I am getting quite despondent. I was hoping that things would 'take off' again but it would appear that the interest is negligible. I will pop back now and again but, to be frank, I have better things to do - like gardening.
  3. Setenta

    is there anybody out there

    Oh dear, I was hoping for far more posts than has happened so far. Please folks. don't let the site turn into an unused compost heap. Mid March and gardeners should be planning lots of wonderful things, please share with us and keep the site alive. I'm already planning a ram raid on my favourite...
  4. Setenta

    This could be a good site....

    Sweet Pea Bush is Polygala Dalmaisiana - still don't know what the Spanish call it. It's really lovely.
  5. Setenta

    This could be a good site....

    Oh dear, I was hoping for far more posts than has happened so far. Please folks. don't let the site turn into an unused compost heap. Mid March and gardeners should be planning lots of wonderful things, please share with us and keep the site alive. I'm already planning a ram raid on my...
  6. Setenta

    is there anybody out there

    Let's hope that previously disenchanted members now rejoin and that we can have a really good site, exchanging views and getting help and advice. It's now freesia time, the first ones are already out having braved the last few weeks of minus temperatures. The lilac ones come first, followed by...
  7. Setenta

    is there anybody out there

    I'm here too after being re-invited to join what I thought was a derelict site. Don't have any garden so to speak, but do have loads of containers which I enjoy planting. Spring bulbs are now forcing their way through, narcissus and tulips making a good show, apart from one container, perhaps I...